This last weekend I went mudding with my cousin in the Woodlands. What is mudding elfballs? Well mudding is basically driving a 4wheeler/atv around in the woods until you get all muddy. You drive around in a caravan of however many 4wheelers you can get and you explore the woods. There are no roads or lights, just the path you make and the single headlight on your 4-wheeler. I was driving my cousins arctic cat and we came up on a big green puddle of water almost two feet deep. My cousin told me to go around it just like the two others in front of us had but I couldn't stop looking at it. It was a nasty unnatural looking green exceeding my expectations of a disgusting deep woods puddle of even had a shiny film on the surface. There was a tree next to this puddle with a patch of semi-solid looked doable to me, so I said "I'm going for it." Well in retrospect this patch of ground was only wide enough to accommodate half of the 4-wheeler... so after we hit the water I floored the gas, turned side to side, and bounced up and down (this is what you do when you get stuck)...we weren't going anywhere. Half of my cousins 4wheeler was in the water and the other sitting pretty in the mud. No worries though, we got pulled out by the pro white dude (because white dudes are pro at this stuff) who was showing us around. What was funny though was the 4wheeler in the lead got stuck the same time we did in a different spot ahead of us. The pro in his army camo'd 4wheeler had stopped trying to pull them out to get us out. After this I let my cousin drive and I took the back seat. As soon as we get pulled out we hear the guys ahead of us yelling something so we turn to look. It was a flashing red and blue light, shit it's the cops! We were probably tearing up private property so cops on 4wheelers seemed reasonable. The pro and my cousin instantly did a 180 and went as fast as we could back the way we came. I kept my eyes on the flashing lights as they made their way to the guys still stuck behind us. It didn't look good for them, but we weren't much better off. We made it about 20 feet away and the pro gets stuck. I look back and the lights are closer, maybe even past the guys behind us. It seemed like my cousin and I would be the only ones to get out of there but what are the odds.. we get stuck too. So now we're all stuck in the mud waiting for the cops to get here and who the fuck shows up? Some white kid in blue jean overalls and a baseball cap with a flashing red and blue light on the front of his arctic cat.