I have been bowling quite a bit this summer, almost once a week (even in HK). This past week though, I've been going almost every day. At first, it was because I'm just so damn bored here in Houston, but then I noticed a bit of improvement in my game so I got hooked. I also got Eric hooked and we are now officially bowling whores (going 6 days a week makes you a whore).

My avg has gone up about 35 pts and Eric's has gone up.. i don't even know.. he went from high score of like 120 to 198. I'm joining a league when I get back to austin so please play with me thanks.
michael lu 2010: u goin pro?
michael lu 2010: crazy cpler
elfffff: haha
elfffff: if i can get my avg to like 230
elfffff: IM GOIN PRO
elfffff: i wonder if there are any pros bowling with 2 fingers
michael lu 2010: iono
michael lu 2010: i dont usually keep track of the pro bowlers
michael lu 2010: but i will once you turn pro!
michael lu 2010: :-)
elfffff: haha
elfffff: ill prolly be the only one bowlin with 2 fingers
michael lu 2010: haha
elfffff: my ball will only have 2 holes
michael lu 2010: and you'll own everyeone
michael lu 2010: and start a trend
elfffff: haha
ur too damn pro...u should teach private lessons and make money..lol
holy shit 258 roflmao... and I think you have to use 3 fingers in tourneys and stuff
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